Sunday, November 7, 2010

Step seven. Martin-Baker rusting....

'No reason not to get a Warrant of Fitness and start driving.' The Gods of the Road put their heads together and had a snigger then plotted against such hubris.

Drove M-B to the garage for a warrant check, went back to pick it up expecting to have to sort some niggling lil details such as the missing bolt from under the front passenger seat I didn't know about.

What I WASN'T expecting was to be told the sub-chassis and front spring mounts were full of rust and needed sorting before any hope of a WoF. There is also a starting amount of rot in the front guards I knew about but wasn't worried about, figuring to have that cut out and covered later.

This is a biggie, people. My options are 1: Sell it now and recoup what I have a spent plus a few bucks. After all the work I've put into it? Not if I can help it! 2: Re-truck it, ie remove the Transit from underneath and put something else in it's place. The expensive option but would end up with something much more modern and diesel. 3: The one I'll probably take. Take it to an honest panel beater (oxymoron?) drop my pants, bend over and invite him to climb aboard. This will most likely be the 'cheapest' option and, if nothing else, I'll end up with a rust free and ship-shape vehicle.

I'm consoling myself with the fact that at least I'm doing this now while I have the time, resources and, to a certain extent, the filthy lucre to make this last happen. To have to go through this while I was on the road and tripping from short time money maker to short time money maker would have been a dream killer.

I'm going to have to take a few days do some research on this one. I'll keep you posted.

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